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The Six Functions of Capacitor in PCB (Part 1)


Capacitors are a common electronic component that plays an important role in circuit boards. Capacitors serve various functions in circuit boards such as filtering, coupling, bypassing, energy storage, timing, and tuning. Capacitors can filter out noise, transmit signals, isolate DC, store electrical energy, control timing, and adjust frequencies to ensure the performance and reliability of the circuit.


Today we will learn about the functions about capacitor in PCB by 3 articles, now lets see the function1 and 2:


1. Filtering: Capacitors can be used in filtering circuits to remove noise and interference from power sources, ensuring the stability and reliability of the circuit. In DC power supplies, capacitors can filter out ripple and noise, making the power output smoother and more stable. In AC power supplies, capacitors can filter out high-frequency interference signals, protecting other components in the circuit from interference.



2. Coupling: Capacitors can be used in coupling circuits to transfer AC signals from one circuit to another while isolating DC signals. In audio amplifiers, capacitors can be used to couple audio signals, transferring the output signal from the preamplifier to the power amplifier while isolating the DC signals between the preamplifier and power amplifier.


Function 3 and 4 will be shown in the next article.