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The Principles and Tips for High-Frequency-Speed PCB Routing (Part 7)


The Principles and Tips for High-Frequency-Speed PCB Routing (Part 7)

Lets continue to the next tip in PCB routing:


In the context of PCB manufacturing, maintaining signal integrity is crucial, especially for high-speed signals. One technique to enhance signal integrity is to implement daisy chaining, which involves routing signals in a sequential manner to minimize stub lengths. Stubs, or short extensions of a trace, can act as antennas and increase compliance with EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards, potentially leading to signal reflection and degradation.


Daisy chaining helps to avoid long stubs by routing signals in a chain-like fashion, which reduces the chances of signal reflection and maintains the integrity of the signal. This method is particularly useful when dealing with pull-up or pull-down resistors on high-speed signals, which are common sources of stubs. By routing these resistors in a daisy chain, the signal path can be kept clean and free from unnecessary stubs, thus preserving signal quality and reducing EMC issues.


In summary, daisy chaining is an effective routing strategy in PCB design that helps to maintain signal integrity by minimizing the presence of stubs, which can act as antennas and cause signal degradation and EMC problems. This technique is essential for high-speed applications where signal quality and compliance with EMC standards are critical.