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The Principles and Tips for High-Frequency-Speed PCB Routing (Part 9)


The Principles and Tips for High-Frequency-Speed PCB Routing (2).jpg

Lets continue to learn about the details of differential routing in HDI PCB.


1. Differential line pairs should be isolated by ground lines to reduce crosstalk and interference between pairs. The ground isolation can be a complete ground plane or a ground network to provide a good reference path. The purpose of isolation is to maintain the integrity of differential signals and avoid external interference affecting signal quality.


2. Increasing the spacing between differential signals and other signal traces can reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic interference. By isolating with ground lines or increasing spacing, the ability of differential signals to resist interference can be improved. This design helps to maintain signal clarity and reduce signal distortion.


3. In PCB layout, differential lines should be prioritized for routing to ensure signal integrity and synchronization. Prioritizing routing can reduce the length of differential signal traces, thereby reducing signal delay and distortion. This layout strategy helps to improve the performance and reliability of the circuit.