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Common Quality Problems and Improvement Measures of Solder Mask (Part 2.)


Today, let’s continue to learn the statistical problems and solutions of solder mask manufacture.

Problem Causes Improvement Measures
Whiskering/Blistering Over development Adjust development parameters, see problem "Overdevelopment"
Poor board pre-treatment, surface contamination with oil and dust Ensure proper board pre-treatment and maintain surface cleanliness
Insufficient exposure energy Ensure proper board pre-treatment and maintain surface cleanliness
Abnormal flux Adjust the flux
Inadequate post-baking Check post-baking process
Poor Solderability Incomplete development  Address factors causing incomplete development
Contamination of post-baking solvent  Increase oven ventilation or clean the board before soldering
Post-baking Oil Explosion Lack of stage baking  Implement stage baking
Insufficient viscosity of via filling ink Adjust the viscosity of the via filling ink
Dull Ink Mismatch of thinner  Use a matched thinner
Low exposure energy  Use a matched thinner
Overdevelopment  Adjust development parameters, see problem "Overdevelopment"
Ink Discoloration Insufficient ink thickness Increase ink thickness
Substrate oxidation Check pre-treatment process
Excessive post-baking temperature Check post-baking parameters, avoid over-baking
Weak Adhesion of Ink Inappropriate ink type Use appropriate ink
Incorrect drying time and temperature, insufficient ventilation during drying Use correct temperature and time, increase ventilation
Improper or incorrect amount of additives Adjust the amount or use different additives
High humidity Increase air dryness
Screen Clogging Rapid drying Add a slow-dry agent
Slow printing speed Increase speed and add a slow-dry agent
High ink viscosity Add ink lubricant or a special slow-dry agent
Unsuitable thinner Use specified thinner
Penetration and Blur Low ink viscosity Increase concentration, avoid thinners
Excessive printing pressure Reduce pressure
Poor squeegee Replace or adjust the angle of the squeegee
Inappropriate distance between screen and printing surface Adjust the distance
Reduced screen tension Create a new screen